Navigating the corporate maze

🔍 Navigating the corporate maze: The Decision-Makers in SaaS Selection

Nowadays, large corporations tend to prefer even more Software-as-a-Service (#SAAS) and other cloud-based models over on-premise solutions since they tend to be cost-effective, straightforward, and most of the time prêt-à-porter.
The need for #SAAS solutions or ready-made digital products is either for internal optimisation or for expanding their service portfolios through third-party providers.

🧠 The Decision-Makers' Dilemma: A Brief Overview

Picture this: a newly formed, dedicated team assigned the task of selecting the ideal partner from a plethora of options.
Time is ticking as the complexity of making the right choice is high with a high demand. It's not an exercise just about ticking off features; it's about comprehending unique business needs, ensuring seamless integration, keeping the balance, and, most importantly, securing acceptance and adaptation from the final users.

📌 Key Challenges in the Decision Process

The decision-makers have to put together a challenging puzzle in front of them. Including prioritization headaches, miscommunication pitfalls, misalignment struggles, a lack of understanding, and insufficient collaboration among stakeholders that prolonged decision-making processes. In addition, the landscape is full of gaps between decision-makers and end users, which create further struggles that we will delve into another time.

💡 Navigating over Complexity and Balance

Balance is the key to maintaining team dynamics and avoiding affecting the final choice. The complexity begins with members from different departments, different hierarchies, different importance of opinion, and tech knowledge. The journey becomes more complicated by keeping a lean budget or getting influenced by affluent stakeholders/funders, aspects that may compromise usability and overall quality. Quite often, companies also do not include experts to execute UX and code compatibility reviews, factors that can shape the conclusion. Last but not least, is the roadmap alignment of each party. Does the chosen provider have the same plans to scale in parallel with the buyer?

🚀 The Ever-Expanding Galaxy of Features

The decision process can also create an overwhelming list of feature needs, customisations, personalisations, and adaptations. By orchestrating a chaotic negotiation between parties about whether one provider can cover all the needs or if a multi-provider approach is necessary, our team increases the puzzle's complexity.

Which other aspects add layers of complexity to choosing SaaS providers in your corporate journey?
#SoftwareAsAService #SAAS #B2BUX #UXInsights #TransformingB2BUX
#DecisionMaking #BusinessStrategy #TechLeadership #CorporateInnovation

LinkedIn original post >


Single Provider vs. Multiple Providers


Defining the difference between Business-as-Clients and Software-as-a-Service